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酒莊介紹 About Winery
從年輕時,Andrea Fiorini Carbognin 就培養了對葡萄酒的好奇心和興趣,尤其是對 DOC Soave 的葡萄酒,從祖父母種植的 Garganega 開始,這款酒是家庭餐桌上不可或缺的存在。
到了 2000 年初,Andrea 感覺到一切正在發生變化:那種曾經在 Garganega 中發現的堅韌和線性逐漸被甜美和果味的柔和感所取代,Soave 越來越趨於迎合大眾口味,模仿國際葡萄品種如 Sauvignon 或 Chardonnay,而不是保持自己地區獨特的味道。
正也因為如此,Andrea 開始深入研究,並認識對他有巨大影響的Stefano Menti。在隨後的幾年中,Andrea 徹底告別了傳統葡萄酒世界,最終得出結論,唯一能夠重新找回他 30 年前從桶裡和大瓶中品嚐到的 Soave 的方法,就是親自投入生產。
從叔叔 Adelino 贈與的一小片土地開始,在 Stefano Menti 的建議和支持下,Andrea 於 2014 年進行了他的首次葡萄收穫,這是在經過一整年完全手工耕作且未使用除草劑、肥料或任何化學產品的情況下完成的。在這片葡萄園擁有高達 60 年樹齡的葡萄藤,位於產區最東端的玄武岩火山土壤上,Andrea為他的的葡萄園進行生物動力轉型。
這裡就是 Garganuda 的誕生地,一個夢想成真,呈現出一款優雅且純粹的 Soave,遠離華麗裝飾和標準化。創造了一種獨特的 Soave 詮釋,明顯有別於標準化口味,回到了葡萄酒本身的原始理念。
From a young age, Andrea Fiorini Carbognin nurtured a curiosity and interest in wine, particularly in DOC Soave wines, starting with the Garganega produced by his grandparents, who were winemakers. This wine was always present on the family table.
In the early 2000s, he noticed that something was changing: the strength and verticality he once found in Garganega were gradually giving way to sweeter and fruitier softness. Soave was becoming increasingly standardized, catering to easy and crowd-pleasing tastes, more focused on mimicking international grape varieties like Sauvignon or Chardonnay, rather than maintaining its own territorial identity.
Starting from a tiny plot of land granted to him by his uncle Adelino, and with the advice and support of Stefano Menti, in 2014 he completed his first harvest after a year of entirely manual work, without using herbicides, fertilizers, or any chemical products. The vineyard, with vines up to 60 years old, is located in the easternmost area of the appellation on volcanic basaltic soil and is currently undergoing biodynamic conversion.
酒款介紹 About the Cuvée
︙ 紅酒 Red ︙ Garganuda Veneto Valpolicella 2021 $990

80% Corvina 20% Rondinella混釀而成。這款酒酒色呈現深紫色,杯緣帶有紅寶石光澤。它散發出紅色漿果的香氣,如櫻桃、覆盆子和紅醋栗,然後是紫羅蘭花香和香草植物的香氣(鼠尾草、百里香和薄荷);淡淡的皮革香氣添增複雜感。
Blending with 80% Corvina 20% Rondinella, this wine shows intense purple color with a ruby hue.
It has perfumes of red berries aromas such as cherry, raspberry and redcurrant, followed by a violet flower note and herbs (sage, thyme and mint); a touch of leather aroma creates complexity on the nose.
The wine is pleasant and round in the mouth: juicy red berries flavors dominate the palate (cherry, strawberry and raspberry) alongside leather and wet forest fragrance. A good level of acidity brings up the freshness with the well-integrated tannins making this wine well-balanced and enjoyable.
︙ 白酒 White ︙Garganuda Veneto Soave 2019 $990

以100% Garganega以及最少人工干預、自然動力法方式釀成。這款酒酒色呈稻桿黃色,杯緣帶有銀色色調。嗅覺香氣上帶有水蜜桃、杏桃、青蘋果和梨子的香氣,隨後為洋甘菊花和蜜蜂花粉的香氣。
This 100% Garganega wine shows straw yellow color with a silver hue. On the nose you can perceive stone fruits aromas (peach and apricot), pome fruits (green apple and pear), followed by chamomile flower and bee pollen notes.
The wine is dry and pleasant in the mouth: fresh peach and green apple flavors dominate the palate with a hint of honey/ beeswax; a good level of acidity brings up the freshness making this wine crisp and well-balanced.