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酒莊介紹 About Winery
Marcobarba的創辦人Marco “Barba” 從年輕時就對生物動力農業法有著濃厚的興趣。
2015年,他回到愛酒人士熟知的大區「威尼托」(Veneto)開始於朋友Stefano Menti的家族酒莊工作。憑藉著在Menti酒莊累積的釀酒經驗,他利用閒暇時間,使用家鄉幾位老年寡婦管理的幾個葡萄園的葡萄釀造葡萄酒。
在接下來的幾年裡,Marco 改進了葡萄酒生產的農藝。自2018 年以來,出於對生物動力農業的熱情和保護環境的理念推動下,Marco 與他的團隊「Barbaboyz」開啟了Marcobarba品牌的冒險之旅。其品牌生產的許多酒款,使用多種當地品種之葡萄以及野生酵母;為的就是讓愛酒人可以在品飲如釀酒人活潑真誠、奔放氣質般的葡萄酒同時,也可以傳遞對敬重土地的信念。
The heart and the face of the Marcobarba project, Marco “Barba”, discovered a deep interest for biodynamic agriculture since his youth.
In 2015, returned to Veneto, he began working with his friend Stefano Menti in the latter’s family winery. Thanks to the enologic experiences accumulated in the Menti Winery, during his free time, he started to produce wine from the grapes of several vineyards he managed on behalf of a few elderly widows in his native town, incrementing the number of lots year by year.
In the following years, Marco improved the agronomic aspects of his wine production, and since 2018, driven by their passion for biodynamic agriculture and their respect for nature, Marco and his close knit team of the “Barbaboyz” have launched the adventure of the Marcobarba brand, with the goal to produce straightforward and genuine wines derived by pure and authentic grapes.
酒款介紹 About the Cuvée
︙ 氣泡酒 Sparkling ︙ Marcobarba Veneto Barbabolla Sparkling 2021

Grapes are sourced exclusively from vineyard with biodynamic viticulture and minimal interventions. “Barbabolla” is a semi-sparkling white wine that comes with crown cap. It has been fermented by indigenous yeast, unfiltered with no sulfur dioxide added. Second fermentation is done in bottle using juice from dried grape. The wine comes with some sediments due to no disgorgement. Pale straw in color with a hint of green tint on the rim. Aromas is energetic and vibrant with green fruits, green apple, green pear, fresh citrus fruits such as lime, key lime, lemon zest, yuzu, mandarin, fresh herbs and a hint of wet stone like minerality. Zesty and crispy on the palate and is very fruit orientated with notes of orange, orange zest, lime zest, lemon and sun-dried lemon zest. Lime, lemon meringue, hay, touch of animal fur on the finish.
︙ 白酒 White ︙ Marcobarba Veneto Barbabianca White 2021

The wine is straw, light golden in color with a hint of green tint. Aromas is fresh and uplifted with plenty of green apple, green pear, lime, lemon peel, tangerine, accompanied with fresh herbs, mix untoasted nuts (cashew in particular) and a touch of fresh green melon. Palate is crispy and elegant with characters of pear, lime, fresh stone fruits and fresh Mediterranean mix herbs. Lovely savory and dry mouthfeel. Citrus, Key lime, fresh basil, pomelo, pomelo zest on the finish. Fermentation with native yeasts in concrete vats; it is aged for at least 6 months in the same fermentation vats, then it is bottled non-filtered and with minimum adding of sulphites.
︙ 紅酒 Red ︙ Marcobarba Veneto Barbarossa 2020

This wine shows medium ruby color with a ruby hue.
You can perceive dark berry aromas such as cherry, blackcurrant, blackberry and blueberry, followed by herbal notes (mint and licorice) and violet flowers.
The wine is fresh and round in the mouth: juicy berry flavors (cherry, blackberry and blueberry) alongside mint and a hint of bell pepper. A lovely acidity and silky tannins make this wine very well balanced.
This is a biodynamic wine, showcasing biodynamic farming and nonintervention winemaking.