今年法國國慶,Vavin將帶來充滿熱情、微醺的音樂狂歡派對。現場除了邀請「Studio 9」、「Grey Area」合作DJ—𝐃𝐉 𝐃𝐎𝐌𝐃𝐎𝐌,每位入場來賓還享一杯免費迎賓香檳以及任選兩杯特選法國葡萄酒(紅/白)。

在感受法式品味與激情的完美氛圍同時,還能認識不同的台灣、異國朋友。讓我們在特別的週六夜晚擁抱自由、平等、博愛而乾杯!❤️ 👯‍♀️👯‍♂️ 🍷

This Bastille Day, come to Vavin to have an exuberant and slightly tipsy music party. The event will feature DJ DOMDOM, a collaborative DJ from « Studio 9 » and « Grey Area ». Each attendee will enjoy a free welcome glass of champagne and two glasses of selected French wine (Red / White).

◤About DJ:DJ DomDom

波蘭 X台灣混血兒的𝐃𝐉 𝐃𝐎𝐌𝐃𝐎𝐌為國內「Studio 9」、「Grey Area」等知名音樂舞台的表演DJ。曲風多變且靈活,從Ambient到 Psy Trance都在他的掌控範圍。希望可以藉由他擁有的異國文化背景,改變普遍台灣人對EDM的既定印象;以多元的曲風打破大眾「EDM就是House」的印象。

Polish-Taiwanese 𝐃𝐉 𝐃𝐎𝐌𝐃𝐎𝐌 is a renowned DJ, captivating audiences at top venues like “Studio 9” and “Grey Area”. Known for his versatile and dynamic style, he effortlessly transitions from Ambient to Psy Trance. Leveraging his rich cultural background, DJ DOMDOM aims to redefine the EDM scene in Taiwan, shattering the misconception that “EDM is just House” with his diverse and electrifying performances. Get ready to experience the future of EDM with DJ DOMDOM!

◤About Party

日期:2024.07.13 PM19:00-00:00 (DJ音樂從20:00開始)


Date: 2024.07.13 PM19:00-00:00 (DJ music starts at 20:00)

Location: Vavin Shop (No. 59, Lane 248, Section 3, Zhongxiao East Road, Da’an District)

◤About Ticket: 含一杯迎賓香檳與兩杯活動特選葡萄酒

Includes a welcome glass of champagne and two glasses of wine






**現場提供簡易配酒佐食與活動限定優惠單杯葡萄酒酒單。活動當天店內所有其他 Beverage & Food 消費皆享9折折扣**

Reserved tickets: $990/person

Exclusive discount for Vavin members: $890/person

Ticket price purchased on site: $1150/person

To order tickets/member discount tickets, please join the official Line: @vavin_tw

**Simple wine pairing with food and event-limited discounted single-glass wine list are provided on site. Enjoy 10% off on all other Beverage & Food purchases in the store on the day of the event**


◤About Vavin:

立基於台北,Vavin是由法裔台灣團隊所創立,聚集擁有Fine Dining服務經驗以及進口米其林星級餐廳選用葡萄酒的專業人士。


Based in Taipei, Vavin was founded by a French-Taiwanese team, gathering professionals with experience in fine dining services and imported wines for Michelin-starred restaurants.

Deeply influenced by France and wine culture, we aim to bring the Taiwanese public closer to wine. Every guest who comes to Vavin can enjoy the authentic traditional French wine serving culture in the most relaxed and comfortable state.

酒窖共有超過 500 款的葡萄酒酒藏,合作的知名餐廳有JL Studio、Logy、L’atelier de Joël Robuchon等……不管是平價酒款或是Fine Wine,Vavin都能滿足各位愛酒人心靈與味蕾的滿足。

The wine cellar has a collection of more than 500 wines, and it cooperates with well-known restaurants such as JL Studio, Logy, L’atelier de Joël Robuchon, etc… Whether it is affordable wine or Fine Wine, Vavin can satisfy the soul and taste of all wine lovers. Taste bud satisfaction.


  • 本活動無實體票卷,購票成功者請務必保留QR Code電子票卷,供當天驗票入場
  • 理性飲酒,並謝絕18歲以下人士入場
  • 本活動票券一旦售出,恕不退款
  • 活動期間為自由入場/入席,恕不提供預訂座位
  • 如有嘔吐以致場地需要清潔,需酌收$3,000元清潔費(每個汙損區域)
  • 嚴禁攜帶外食、寵物入內
  • 主辦單位保有最終修改、變更、活動解釋及取消本活動之權利,若有相關異動將會公告於粉絲頁


  • There is no physical ticket for this event.
  • Those who successfully purchase the ticket must keep the QR code electronic ticket for ticket verification on the day.
  • Drink responsibly and no one under 18 is admitted.
  • Once tickets for this event are sold, they are non-refundable
  • Admission/seating is free during the event and no reserved seats are provided
  • If vomiting occurs and the venue needs to be cleaned, a cleaning fee of $3,000 will be charged (for each contaminated area)
  • It is strictly prohibited to bring outside food and pets inside
  • The organizer reserves the right to make final modifications, changes, explanations and cancellations of this event.
  • Any relevant changes will be announced on the fan page