
Join Our Members Club

Discover our Club Member subscriptions. Every month get delivered new wines and enjoy discounts, tasting set, members only selection, complimentary tastings and wine events.


$ 1399 Monthly
  • 10% Discount
  • Tasting Set
  • Vavin Event

Tasting Sets

Every month comme to Vavin enjoy a free tasting set of 3 different wine. Discover new savors and learn more about our products.

Member Discount

Get 10% reduction in our cellar and online shop. Offer is cumulable with other promotions. Simply enjoy wine!

Glass of the month

Nothing better to a free glas, come every month enjoy a fine glass of wine (exclusif to premium members)

Questions? Answers.

After subscribing you’ll get deducted directly then the monthly payment will occur the1th of each month.

Our Shop is open Monday to Sunday, Feel free to come anytime during business hours to enjoy your member perks and retrieve your box (If local pick up delivery selected otherwise it’ll be shipped to your delivery address).

Business hours: 

Mon-Tue| 12:00 – 20:00 

Wed-Thu| 12:00 – 00:00

Fri-Sat| 12:00 – 02:00

Sun 12:00 – 19:00

Address: 106台北市大安區忠孝東路三段248巷59號

Phone: 02-2563-8101


You can directly go to your account settings and manually change It. Every modifications will be applied for the next delivery.

Our boxes are sent out within 1-2 working days after the payment, after which Heimao will contact you by phone for a total of 3 deliveries. During the period when Heimao calls you, If you want to change the address temporarily, you can directly call Heimao to change the address.

If you want to cancel the subscription in the current month, please log in to the website before the payment is deducted in the current month , find the order to cancel the subscription in the shopping cart, press the “Cancel Subscription”.

If you have been debited in the current month and want to apply for cancellation of subscription and refund, please know that the application for refund must be before the wine box is sent.

※Remind you that the refund will take about 5-7 working days to return to your account, and some banks will take up to 30 working days to be credited