Domaine Mouton Cuvee Excellence 2020

"Laurent Mouton 酒莊源起於曾祖父Eugene,此酒莊位於Cote Chalonnaise產區的Givery村,因多樣貌的地質條件,使得該地的葡萄酒有著變化多端的味道。其中又以黑皮諾最為著名。 此酒為100%的Chardonnay,帶有Stone fruit、青蘋果、梨子、檸檬及鳳梨的淡雅清香,尾韻中帶有烤麵包的香氣。也因過桶的關係,能夠清新中帶有香草的味道。 口感為高酸且較Dry,酒體為中等酒體。"

This wine is 100% Chardonnay. Therefore, it has elegant aromas of Stone fruit, green apple, pear, lemon and pineapple with the aroma of toast in the finish. In addition, the wine has been oaked, a vanilla flavor is added.

The mouthfeel of this wine is high acid and dry with medium-bodied.